Monday, July 9, 2012

Tip: Make Goodwill Gifts Look Brand New

Goodwill and other thrift stores are starting to regularly get new merchandise from stores at a significant discount. Unfortunately, they usually mark it up with black marker. Well, leave it to AquaNet or Rave hairspray to come to the rescue! 

You spray a little on and let it set for about 45 seconds. Then you take a paper towel or rag, and wipe in circular motions. You do not want to swipe it or you will have more residue to clean up later.

Repeat as often as you need until all the black is gone and looks brand new.

I included this in my friend's baby shower gift. The Pink Pottery Barn Bucket that retails for $19.99 (with label and pricing in tact) I picked up at a garage sale for $2. The white Old Navy tank top, Gap long sleeved onesie, Koala pink shoes and Boppy with cover at a garage sale for $10.

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