Wednesday, August 7, 2013

All Things Thursday Blog Hop {No. 5}

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by to party. Check out this week's awesome features - these girls really inspired me! Then, link up some of your own projects...
Link up with us here at the All Things Thursday Blog Hop and your post will automatically be visible on 4 blogs! 1 party, 4 blogs, every Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern time.

Be sure to check in with each hosting blog
to see if you have been featured!

Have you used this technique before? I have - it is fun and easy... and these in particular are super cute: Dollar Store Vintage Coasters

What's up with this "Dirty Coke" craze? I am seeing this pop up everywhere. Gotta try this stuff to see what all the fuss is about: Dirty Diet Coke

My sewing skills are a little rusty, and this tutorial is a great help: Invisible Hem

Mmmmm, I have a friend that makes this stuff and it is dangerous! Snickers Caramel Apple Salad

Don't these just look perfect? Amish Biscuits

School season is here again! It's just about time to start, many of you already have. Here is a great collection of some helpful posts: Homeschool Planning

All Things with Purpose

The Link-Up Will Automatically Go LIVE 
Every Wednesday Night at 9:00 Eastern Time

All Things with Purpose

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