Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Packing for Hawaii!! + Kohls Discount Code

What is the first thing a girl thinks about when planing for a trip?? What am I going to wear!? Of course!! Don't you think like that? I do. Not in a stressed kinda way (though I guess sometimes there is stress). More in a "yay, excuse to buy new clothes" kinda way! Well, I've been thrifting, sewing and shopping for my upcoming Hawaii trip for the past year. My husband and I are taking our first big trip away from the kids to celebrate our 10 year anniversary (more on the anxiety associated with that later). 

I need help. We are stopping for a quick, one night lay-over in San Fran on the way out and LA on the way back. I have never been to either and the anxiety over what to wear to  those particular places is a little on the high end.

I have been told San Francisco can have crazy weather. I read today to dress in layers because it can become quite cold. My urge is to dress up, but I don't want to look like a tourist... what do I do?

I also don't want to over pack and need lightweight clothing to wear in Hawaii that can go layered as well.

Left Cardigan: Old Navy Dress: Carson's Middle Dress: Glik's Right Dress: Forever 21 Jacket: Target (thrifted) 

These dresses were all thrifted and have been taking up room in my closet, but have never actually been warn. Do I keep them or send them on to someone else?

These dresses were all bought off the Gap clearance rack for no more than $5 a piece. If they are a no go, my feelings will not be hurt :)

Trying to come up with ways of switching things up!

Boy do I love me a pretty maxi dress!! Oh, and chevron apparently :)
Left: Wet Seal Middle: Glik's Right: Kiki La Rue

Left: Kohls Middle: Beach Shop S.C. Right: Charming Charlie

Shop for great dresses at Kohls! 

Visit the Kohls dress shop HERE and use the online discount code BLOGIT10 for an additional 10% off ON TOP of your other discounts!
Use it until September 12. Thanks, Kohls :)

Do I go glam in LA? One of these could also be an anniversary dress.
Left: Sears Middle: Kohls Right: Yonkers

Any California girls out there with advice on what to wear so you don't look like a tourist? -Sarah

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