Saturday, June 23, 2012

Should Karen H Klein Press Charges? She says No, I say Yes

Karen H Klein now has over $602,959 in her Indiegogo account after three days of exposure. ABC News is reporting that although the Police say that the video proves a clear case of harassment Karen is still refusing to press charges. She thinks the boys should be punished, but should be punished by the school.

Disclaimer: I do not personally know Karen or these boys. I am going to be making general statements based on what I do know of the situation. Karen has the option of making her own decisions. I am going to express what my decision would be and why.

"He (the king or ruler of the land like our government now) will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; he will crush the oppressor." Psalm 72:4

"For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help. He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death. He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in his sight." Psalm 72:12 -14

Proverbs says even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right. These boys have been allowed to get away with many bad behaviors.

Often nice people feel that they are being unkind when they are asked to press charges. In reality, by pressing charges they are allowing the government to perform the function that God established for our protection.

What good could come from the boys being prosecuted? Obviously, up until this point nothing has happened in their lives to make them believe there are consequences strong enough for them to stop their bad behavior. I would bet that you would be able to find other people who have suffered similar taunts from these boys. Going through the court process would be a good lesson for them. They would have to get a lawyer, go to court dates, and have an impartial Judge pronounce a sentence. We know they would be guilty because it is clear to see they harassed Karen. This is the only way to show the kids there are consequences for their behavior. Getting suspended or expelled or kicked off the bus is not going to leave as much of an impact.

The other reasoning that seems so powerful is right now they are minors. They will be treated like minors in the court system.

The Bible says, in Hebrews 12:6, that God disciplines those He loves. For the same reason that I discipline my children. I don't love disciplining them, but if they are running toward the street and a car is coming, I need to know they will stop if I yell stop. It's not a game, and it's not time to count to three. I need obedience the first time I call.

You've heard the punishment needs to fit the crime. Meaning, the next time those boys think of treating someone else the same way, the thought goes through their head, "I don't want to get a lawyer, I don't want to have court dates, I don't want to see my family upset, I don't want a Judge to tell me what I did was wrong, and I don't want to have community service!!!" The other reasoning that seems so powerful is right now they are minors. They will be treated like minors in the court system. Meaning their sentence will reflect lessor punishment now, than if they are emboldened thinking they are invincible and can get away with anything.

Eventually, we'd like to see the boys refuse to treat anyone the same way they treated Karen because they understand it hurts that person.

In any situation, we need to let the police and court systems do their jobs. If we tie their hands, they cannot protect us the way God designed them.

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