Thursday, June 21, 2012

$413,465 Newest Numbers for Karen H Klein

The support for Karen has been overwhelming to put it mildly. God loves a cheerful giver, and so does Karen. After one full day random people around the world have $413,465 in an account waiting for her. The average donation to her on Indiegogo is about $20 per person. Over 19,000 people have decided to give.

Is anyone else totally amazed by this? Instead of riding the school bus, Karen's new job is hitting refresh on her Internet browser to see the generosity of people directed toward her. She is just shy of 26 years of her current income given to her in one day.

In her interview on Fox News, Karen said even more than the money was the support that the money represents. Keep in mind this interview was $300,000 ago!!

I hope that the message being communicated is clear. We do need to do to others as we would have them do to us. Matthew 7:12 While these boys were unkind to her, it is reassuring to see so many strangers taking a stand when they see amoral behavior.

For more information on this story:


1 comment:

  1. When I first heard of this story, my heart hurt so much for Karen. She sounds like an amazing women and she basically just took the abuse. God is watching over her and I know I am praying for her and the kids involved, as well.
