Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Quick Fix for Worn-Out Sparkle Shoes

I bought 2 cans of this Krylon glitter spray a few weeks back, simply because I saw it and wanted it. I figured there HAD to be a use for it somewhere in my foreseeable future. I was really excited to come up a very practical way to justify my purchase.

These sparkle shoes have been super popular with little girls for a while now, I bought this pair used, but they originally came from Target. Sparkle shoes like these are still available at Baby Gap, Target, etc. Available now in the updated style for Summer. It stinks that the glitter wears off pretty easily, especially if you have a girl who likes to drag her toes along the cement. As cute as these may have been at one point, little sister can forget about inheriting them as hand-me-downs.

Here's the fix! 
   1. Tape off the toes using duct tape, masking, or blue painters tape. All I had on hand was duct tape, and it didn't seem to hurt the shoes in any way, but I would always test a small area first and use the blue painters tape if available. If it does happen to hurt coming off, simply refer to step number 4. 
   2. Coat the toe area with a contrasting colored spray paint, since it may be hard to find an exact match and the caped toe look has been super popular this year anyway! If the wear is not as extensive, skip this step and go directly to the next.
   3. Spray on a thin layer of glitter over the toe area. I let these dry and continued to apply a total of 3 coats of the clear glitter. If the wear on your shoes is not as extensive, you may get by with only using the glitter and can skip the whole taping and spray painting step. 
   4. Allow spray to dry completely, then very carefully peal back the tape. If the tape peels off any of the shoe's finish, or if your line did not turn out that clean looking, try spraying another layer or two of the glitter over the whole shoe to smooth out imperfections.

I was so happy with how these turned out, I'm convinced I can now update the look of any and every worn out shoe in my house. If it can be spray painted, it can be passed down to the next sibling! Yay!

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