Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Printables and Craft Ideas

Mothers Day is this Sunday! We've been busy creating Unit Studies and Folder Games, and have totally overlooked posting anything about Mothers Day or coming up with a good original idea. But, for any dad's out there that may have forgotten and are now searching for a last minute idea, here's a really simple free print out from What's in the Bible:

For anyone that's a little bit more ambitious, there are a lot of really cute handmade card and gift ideas at this site that would work really well for Grandmothers too: The Crafty Crow: Mother's Day Crafts

Dear Dads and Kids,
Mom's don't expect a lot, it's the little things that mean the most (are you with me on that one, ladies?). Something simple that takes just a little bit of forethought can make a mom feel very appreciated. What I'm saying is (Listen up: these are some deep thoughts!), to put a little time into having your kids make a card or draw a picture, or write a poem. Something that shows thought, vs. buying a store bought card the morning of, or going out to eat when you could have planed on making her a meal yourself. Basically, think "what does my mom/wife do to show others she cares" and then try and do the same for her! :)


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