Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!!  I hope you have had a special day.  My husband gave me two days away hotel and all with Sarah, my co-blogger :) When I returned home, the house was completely deep cleaned from top to bottom. Our church announced they were giving the mother's a special gift.  Well, they hit a home run and gave us all Hersey's chocolate bars. That's the best Mother's Day Gift :)

My daughter had a melt down because I saw her surprise Mother's Day Card she made at church before I was supposed to.  My husband is cooking lunch, and we are trying to keep our 11 month old up, so we can all nap at the same time.
We'll see...

My husband surprised me with a Mothers Day / "This is me showing you that I support your blogging" gift last night: a new netbook! Thank you honey! My kids made cards and we got beautiful  roses at church.

My oldest daughter gave me the sweetest gift; which was a very deep conversation before bed last night, filled with lots of questions about life, growing up, forgiveness, and love. After reflecting again on Jesus's death on the cross for our sins, the question "what would happen if I didn't believe in Jesus?" to the intense talk about growing up and a declaration of "I just want to stay little forever!" Natalie brought up how she had hit her cousin while playing that day and felt very bad about it, but sometimes all she wants to do is hit and hit and she just can't stop! I knew she was thinking a lot of deep thoughts and really just wanted her to fall asleep - but I said, "that's right, you can't stop without Jesus' help. Let's pray that Jesus will help you want to do good and to show love to others." When she woke this morning and came into the bathroom where I was getting ready, the first thing out of her mouth was "Mom, I've decided that I do believe in Jesus!" Now, this is not the first spiritual conversation I've had with Natalie, or the first time I've seen evidence of her love for Jesus, but it was still a nice Mother's Day gift none the less! Natalie could not wait to see her cousin at church this morning, to ask for her forgiveness and to give her a hug. At the close of the service, we sang the line "Oh Lord I would be Yours alone, and live so all might see. The strength to follow your commands, could never come from me." I had such a beautiful picture of Natalie holding my hands, and with a look of desperation, saying "sometimes all I want to do is hit!" Then, feeling her relax and smile as we prayed for Jesus to help. Thank you Jesus, for moments like this :)

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