Saturday, April 14, 2012

Love Where You Live

When it comes to the home, I'm a firm believer in learning to be content with what you've got by making what you've got, work! Everyone should love where they live. Get over the things you can't change, and take charge of the things you can. If you hate it, paint it! If you can't paint it... well, then you may just have to live with it (but there are very few things in this world that can't be painted). I love, love, love changing things up and moving things around, cleaning things out and throwing things away. But, I predominantly use what I have and hold onto many items for later use and frequent rotation. There are many things I would change about where I live now if I had the money, but that doesn't change the fact that I truly do, love where I live!

There are very few pictures hanging on my walls, decorations sitting around or furniture being used that I have not owned since childhood, were hand-me-downs from other family members or have been picked up on the side of the road! If I don't like something, I'll spray paint it, switch out the picture, replace a picture with scapbooking paper or material, etc.

I love surrounding myself with colors that make me happy and bring me enjoyment. Don't put something on your wall just for the sake of putting something on the wall. Hang it if you really like it, and if you don't - spray paint it!

Find enjoyment and beauty in the natural decorations that God himself has supplied! I love the bright colored forsythia bush outside the dinning room window, and the colors in the oak tree as it comes into bloom. If you're having a hard time seeing the beauty outside, maybe it's time to clean the windows! (No, really, clean your windows. It's crazy what a difference it can make.)


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