Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Old Ladders and Burlap = Love

As promised... the unveiling of my completed projects!

I am so excited with how this turned out, and could not be happier! My husband, on the other hand, is still a little weirded out by the ladder hanging on our wall. He just doesn't get it :)

I have included here, the pictures of everything put together. I went ahead and wrote up a separate tutorial for the wreath, which can be found here: Burlap Wreath Tutorial 

I must be up front with you. The whole ladder thing turned out to be way more work than I initially bargained for. I kept asking myself, is this really worth it? Of course the answer was YES! If you happen to have your hands on an old extension ladder or plain ol' ladder that is just one single piece, by all means, go for it! Hang it on the wall as soon as you possibly can! What I had, was an old step ladder with the two sides that fold in together. The issue is, it's old, and old things were made really well. This baby was riveted together. Rivets are a pain to remove. I didn't take real detailed pictures, so just go ahead and Google "removing rivets." I used a hack saw, a sawzall, a drill, a hammer and a flat head screw driver before those babies finally came off. The drill with a metal bit was a must. The sawzall may have done the job faster, but the battery died on me and I was, frankly, too impatient to wait for it to charge, so I continued on by other means. The nice thing is, if you're going for that rustic, antiquey look, you really don't have to do a thing beyond that! Seriously, I didn't even clean this thing (gross?), sand it or paint it in any way. I just left it totally as is! One thing I would suggest, is not going into a rivet removal project in your living room. If you must, at least put down a drop cloth. Otherwise, you'll be scrubbing up rust stains and tediously vacuuming up microscopic shards of metal from the carpet (not that I had to do that or anything).

And on the other wall... some new frames off the clearance rack at Hobby Lobby. So what if they were a little banged up, nothing a black Sharpie can't fix!

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