Monday, August 12, 2013

Create Your Own Amazing Outdoor Play Area

We have to get creative at our house when it comes to having outside play things for our kids. We bought our house before we had kids and didn't give any consideration to what life would be like when they came along. Our subdivision has a rule that doesn't allow any permanent  play structures in our yard. 

Yeah, that was kind of a big thing to miss I know.

So here we are. What are we going to do? Get Creative. My husband constructed our swing set. He got a log from his father's farm and lashed it onto the other trees in our backyard. If you want to know how to be a boy scout and lash, go here.

Now we are on to building your own sandbox. My husband was on Craigslist and found someone who wanted to get rid of their old playground equipment. He took some of the boards that were decent looking and built this sandbox with black landscaping material lining the bottom and corner seats.

Yes, that is a slide on our stairs. We also plumed it to be a water slide. My husband drilled holes in the sides, brought a garden hose to the top and connected PVC pipes to both sides. We added a spliter at the nozzle, so we can have it on or off independent of other watering activities. He also removed some of the spindles and added a ladder off from the salvaged play set and bought new rope for the "climbing" wall.

To top it all off, we added a swing under the deck, so we can swing and watch the kids play. Yes, and sometimes the kids do join us :) I am so blessed to have such a creative, fun and handy husband!!  ~Julia

What if your kids like to run barefoot in the summer? My nephew Reid loves to do that and doesn't quite make it to the pedals by himself. So, his dad attached some older shoes to the pedals and has a wonderful fix for the summer :)

Do you have kids running in and out for drinks all summer long?  Here's another solution courtesy of my brother-in-law, Ben.  An outdoor water faucet!  
He is my hero :)

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