Thursday, December 6, 2012

What Do You Want For Christmas?

What do you want for Christmas? I find this to be one of the most difficult questions of the year! I did not grow up in a family that asked you what you wanted for Christmas. We weren't told Santa was a real giver of gifts, and my parents and grandparents did not have extra money to buy us whatever we wanted. So, typically gifts were made, or it was what they found to buy for you.  On special years, if you really, really wanted something it would come your way.

My husband's family operates off of lists. You think about what you would like put it on a list and you may actually get it. But that creates a whole new problem. What do you ask for? What is the price range? And what if you start to like it so much that you decide to buy it for yourself? :)
I need help!! Any suggestions? What does your Christmas List look like? ~Julia

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