Monday, December 10, 2012

Keep the Weight Off During the Holidays(or Lose!)

I found this amazing free app, MyFitnessPal. I have recently been struggling with thinking about my weight a lot. I want to fit well in my clothes, but then I get comfortable. Then I feel badly when I try on my clothes and I can't wear them without showcasing a muffin top.

MyFitnessPal allows you to weigh in each morning, track your calories throughout the day, log your water intake, and detail your excersize. Here's what I love, love, love about the calories tracker. You can scan the barcode on your food and it will pop up with all of the nutrition facts including vitamins, fiber, etc. I find scanning to be very fun.

I also realized how little water I actually drink. When trying to lose or maintain weight, working with facts is so much better than what we think we ate or drank. Pop is a total killer, but it really puts it in perspective for you.

I have really bonded with this process because if I want to eat peanut M & M's I can, but then I know I can't have supper! Some days it is worth the trade off :)

So enjoy Christmas parties, but save your calories that day and know what you are eating and drinking!!

I hope that you will give this a try with your smartphone or tablet!!! What worked for you?


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE My Fitness Pal! truly. I'm working on 10 more pounds (that I call "baby" weight even though my "baby" is 3 1/2! eek. I'm mrsmatt0511 on there...I always love friends. :)
