Friday, November 2, 2012

I Once Did Childish Things

Often we, as mother's become upset when our children do childish things. I am not talking about willful disobedience. I am talking about mistakes, poor thinking, etc.  Childish things. Like earlier this week picking up a two liter from the kitchen literally ten seconds after I put it down, only to have it dropped and sprayed all over their bedroom carpet.  I was stuck in a poor mood after my children behaved childishly. I was very irritable, and I knew it was wrong.  I was doing my best to shake it. I prayed for God to help me have patience with my children.

After 38 years in the same house, my grandparents are moving from the family farm to a house in the city today.  I received a text with a picture from my brother.  

On top of the wooden, antique pie cooling cabinet, was my printed name in marker.  I must not have been much older than my daughter is now, five, when I left my "Julia was here" impression.  (When Natalie saw it, she told me that I should have washed it off :)

I have absolutely no recollection of this event.  I can remember other things that I did at Grandma's, but I do not remember writing my name on top of the T.V. cabinet.  Why not? I do not think that my Grandparents made a big deal out of it. They recognized my poor choice as being childish, not defiant.  They didn't scold me when I spilled pop on their carpet after she advised me it wasn't a good idea to bring pop into the living room and place it on the floor.

The experience was a humbling reminder that at one time I was just as childish as my children are now. I still am in many ways. My heavenly Father is so patient with me, and does not scold me or punish me because I am an inconvenience to Him, but for my good and motivated by love for me.

My prayer for today is that, "Love one another, for Love will cover a multitude of sins." I Peter 4:8 That I would always be a source of overflowing love for my children. In my own strength, I cannot accomplish this command, but with God's help I can do all things!


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