Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update: Help and Support for Karen H Klein Bullied Bus Monitor

Karen H Klein has gone viral. Even though nine years of salary and counting has been given to her, Karen says she isn't planning on quitting her job.

Here's what ABC News is reporting

The 10-minute video of Klein’s abuse has been viewed more than 1 million times and sparked a fundraising appeal in hopes of giving Klein a vacation and possibly getting her off the bus permanently.

As of early this morning, a petition posted on indicated that more than $110,000 was donated to a fund for Klein, far overreaching the expected $5,000 with 30 days still to go in the online campaign. Of the more than 18,000 comments posted on YouTube, most appeared to uniformly condemn the students’ behavior.

“It does make me feel a whole lot better,” Klein said of the positive reaction. “I appreciated everything. I think it’s awesome.”

Police have interviewed four of the students, but no arrests have been made. The Greece school district said its bullying team is investigating, and the students will be disciplined.

The father of one of the teenage boys who was involved in the bullying says his “heart broke” to see that his son was part of the abuse, but that the boys have suffered enough with their faces made public in the video.

“My family’s received death threats,” Robert Helms told ABC News. “He’s a 13-year-old kid. It was a stupid mistake and he’s paying for it but I just think it’s a little out of control.”

What do you think?


View Our original article:

Help and Support for Bullied Bus Monitor: Karen Klein

A Biblical Response to Bullying:

Raising Bullies


  1. Make those kids work ALL SUMMER at Senior Citizens communities. They need to understand that there's consequences for these type of actions.

    Having your face posted was their decision, which was pretty stupid but not a punishment nor does it give them understanding of the depth of hurt that they have caused.

    just my opinion

    Michael Wilson

  2. To the father of the 13 year old son: No, public humiliation is NOT enough punishment for your son. It was not a "stupid mistake," it was deliberate taunting of a woman who was CRYING!! If you want your son to learn from this, he is going to have to learn empathy. He also should learn SHAME. What is your plan for teaching him that? Better get one, and fast. 13 is a little late for teaching it. I say that as the parent of an 11 year old son who would never dream of behaving like this!

  3. only ones kids face was seen. That father should have taught his kid NOT to do that in the first place. These families should be ashamed.
