Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Help and Support for Bullied Bus Monitor Karen H Klein?

The power of the Internet is amazing. Karen H Klein was being bullied by  students on the bus. The kicker is she is an adult. These Jr. High boys in the back of the bus are calling her fat, and she starts crying. They still make fun of her and swear at her. She says, "Unless you have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." The boys look at her and just keep swearing at her and taunting her even threatening her life.

I have no idea who was shooting this video, but if I had to guess it would be one of the boys to keep as a trophy. I cannot imagine all of the stuff that she has put up with all the years. This is a slight glimpse of what goes on in our schools and especially our school buses.  The good news is some of the boys lean in, so there is no doubt who they are. I am sure those boys will tell on the other boys, etc.

She has worked in this capacity since 1992 and makes $16,000 a year. Max Sidorov set up an outlet on a website Indiegogo for people to donate to give her a vacation. As of 11:00 tonight, June 20, they raised over $86,000. That was all raised today. If you want to contribute, or see how quickly money is coming in for her click here. Literally, thousands of dollars were raised before our eyes within an hour. The average person is clicking and donating $20, some are donating $1 and others much more.
All the money being raised for her makes you wonder will Karen Klein quit her job?

Tomorrow she will be on Good Morning America, Anderson Cooper and probably many other shows before the day is out.

My heart breaks for this lady and others like her. Imagine if she were a child!

*Update: $119,591 at 7:35 a.m., Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Biblical Response to Bullying

Updated Post About Karen

1 comment:

  1. At first glance, this could be interpreted as an example of how American society is in decline, however, the public reaction to it demonstrates that just maybe there is hope for our future!
