Thursday, May 31, 2012

Becoming a Secret Shopper or Mystery Shopper

Ever wondered about being a secret shopper and how it works? Here's how I got started...

I found a company that claimed for a fee they would give you access to legitimate companies that conduct secret shops. I paid the $25 annual fee with my credit card knowing that if it was a scam or I thought the service was bogus I could cancel my card. The $25 turned out to be a good investment.

Several hundred companies were listed on the website. No information was available on who their clients were, meaning where would I be secret shopping. The only way to get that information was to apply with each company and then look to see what geographic areas they covered and what companies they serviced.

Since then I found this website When you click this link, you can see all of the companies that are registered with the Mystery Shopping Providers Association or MSPA. They are basically certifiying that the companies listed are not a scam. This link let's you put in your zip code and a time period (I would start with a week), to see what shops are listed on the job board. That does not include all jobs, but just the jobs that have been posted with MSPA.  This is a great way to get started because you know that the company has shops in your area.

The application process typically intails providing your information and completing several paragraphs about why you would like to be a secret shopper. What they are actually looking for is can you type in complete sentences using spellcheck. They do not want to have to go through your report fixing gramatical errors. Because they are mostly the same questions, if I needed to type a long response I typed and saved in it a word document and tweeked it for my next application.

When you first start with a company, it is more time consuming because you need to be sure that you do things the specific way they want it done. After you have conducted shops for them, you become comfortable with their procedures and you are able to spend less time.

All require the ability to either scan or upload pictures. At the minimum a receipt and at the most pictures of the building.

Most of the time you come and go without anyone knowing that you are a secret shopper and with specific instructions not disclose who you are. Only once was I asked if I would be comfortable saying I was a secret shopper.

The rates paid vary. The companies will email when they have a shop available.  If the due date is getting close and they are desperate to get a spot filled, sometimes they will call and offer a bonus. The bonus is usually between $5 to $10.

I do not schedule shops outside of my normal geographic area.  I look at how much I get paid an hour. You have to read the material before you shop, conduct the shop, and debrief (fill out the paperwork online). As a result, I am not willing to add drive time to my time.

Do not get too involved. Meaning, sometimes I would either talk too much or let the sales clerk talk too much. I would leave frustrated because it took a lot longer than they suggest the shop should take. I have now learned that I need to get in and get out. I may lead with, "I have a lot of errands to run today, but I thought I'd stop by and quickly...(whatever)." Always be honest, but let them know you don't have all day in a kind way.

Secret shop for things you are already doing or would like to do. For example, I secret shop for restaurants because then I can take my family out to dinner for the cost of a tip. I had not been getting my eyes checked and one of the secret shops was for a LensCrafters eye exam. If I would like to make a trip to the Outlet Mall near us,  I will go online and check to see if there is a shop I can do to offset my gas there and back.

Maybe you want to save for a family vacation, have some extra spending money, or just get out of the house! Secret shopping is not lucrative, but if you know what your purpose is and use it that way you will have a very positive experience.

If you want to get started, I recommend that you pick a company and apply. Applying with multiple companies at the same time can be a little confusing.

Here are the companies that I currently use and a brief description of what I did.

Maritz Mystery Shopping:
Chase Bank: Call and ask for information on a credit card. They mail you information. Then I visit the location and ask the same thing. Scan or take pictures of the materials they give you and complete the questionaire on the visit. This shop paid $12.

BP Gas: Get gas and buy something in the store. I was reimbursed for $3 in gas and up to $2 in the store. Then I was required to tell her that I was a shopper and take pictures of the interior and exterior of the building. This shop paid $8.

US Post Office: I was sent a package in the mail. I mailed that package and answered the questions on the service I recieved. I was reimbursed for the receipt I uploaded, and I was paid $8.50.

Bennigans: I am asked to take at least one other adult with me, but not more than six in my party. We need to order two different entrees. We are asked to know the timing of the meal, including, when we are greeted, served drinks, order, served food, and leave. I am reimbursed up to $20 for lunch and up to $25 for dinner. No other compensation apart from what is spent at the restaurant.

Beyond Hello: Birch Run Premium Outlets

Outlet shops are farily uniform. You go in and look around. They have some specific things they are looking for their employees to do. You report on those and make a purchase.  They ask you to wait at least thirty minutes before you return the item you bought if you want to return it. The pay is around $8.

LeCruest, Tommy Hilfiger, Columbia Outlet

Happy Shopping!! ~Julia

1 comment:

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