Monday, April 30, 2012

Healthy Snack Ideas

Ok, so it's Monday morning weigh in time.  1.2 Pounds down 3.8 to GO!! I must admit I am a little shocked.  I met my exercise goal and exceeded it by two work out times. I did eat some of my favorite snacks, but less of them.  And when the Oreos were gone I didn't get more.  I have been on withdrawal.  I miss them.  One morning I decided I was going to have a reduced calorie meal day, and what would show up outside our door?  A box of fresh donuts.  That turned into a three donut day for me. After I ate them, I went down to the elliptical for ten minutes ;)

Another helpful piece of the puzzle includes healthy replacement snacks. Here are some of my favorites.

1. Plain yogurt, with chopped walnuts and honey. Measure first to get yourself around 100 calories. Then you can see what it looks like.  I cannot stand plain yogurt by itself, but with the honey it is amazing. I also substitute almonds depending on what I have on hand.

 2. A hard boiled egg with pepper.  Delicious. Anytime day or night. 70 Calories! Here's the trick to hard boiled eggs.  Put them in lukewarm water. Then bring them to a boil. Let them boil for 11 minutes. Drain the water and crack the eggs.  Shaking them in the pot works great.  Add cool water, drain, add cool water, drain, and then add cool water.  Let them soak briefly and start removing the shell under cool water.

3. One whole-wheat English muffin with peanut butter.  Again you are looking for 100-200 calorie snacks, so watch the calories in the amounts you are using.


4. An apple with/or without peanut butter.  We have an apple corer, so we core our apple and then stuff peanut butter in the hole.  We call it a power ball :)
It gives a good blend of protein and a
low glycemic fruit.


5. Peanuts with raisins.  Make sure you put them in a SMALL bowl.  It's easy to get carried away.

6. Two slices of deli turkey with a bunch of grapes.


Plan ahead and have good snacks on hand.  It's another piece of the healthy lifestyle puzzle.  You will get hungry between meals, and if you handle it correctly you can help your metabolism without feeling deprived!!

I was given these suggestions from a friend, and she found them here: Healthy Snacks from Real Simple.


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