Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to Soothe Mosquito Bites

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could enjoy God's wonderful creation without mosquitos!! We recently explored near a river and found more than we were looking for. We were all swatting mosquitos. Noah got two little tiny bites, but after much itching they expanded into red, itchy mounds.  Mosquito bites (usually) in an of themselves are not a problem, but it's the itching that causes infection. Obviously we don't want to see our little ones in discomfort either, so let me share an easy mixture that helps draw out the itch.

Deal with the bites when they first occur. As soon as possible, reduce the likelihood of itching by treating the bite areas. Clean the bite area with rubbing alcohol or plain water.

If you are like me, you wait to see if there is a problem :) For those chemists among us, a strong alkaline solution will often ease insect itching. Two forms of homemade pastes with baking soda are known to be especially effective.

Option 1: Water and Baking Soda

Mix baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and warm water. Start with a little of both and mix until it will stick to the skin. Too much baking soda and it will fall apart. Too much water and it will be too runny. Leave the mixture on for a few minutes, and the wash it off.

Option 2: Ammonia and Baking Soda: Follow the same instructions as with the water. This is the option that we used.


I had him sit and watch a movie while he was shirtless and the mixture was drying. Whatever you can do to keep your little one distracted. Sorry it's a little blurry. Noah does not stand still unless asked, and I was not going to let him know I was taking a picture :)

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