Monday, October 8, 2012

What We Learned Playing Uno

Great Grandma and Grandpa Cavanaugh (AKA Grandma and Grandpa Dopedo) came to visit one Saturday afternoon. They came prepared with card games, dominoes and homemade mac and cheese. What can you learn playing card games with your great grandparents? A lot! As my grandma, a retired school teacher was quick to point out.
Socialization? This is inter-generational socialization at it's best. Help your kids strengthen their ability to interact with people of all ages. Play cards or dominoes with grandma and grandpa, they just might cover:

  • Fine motor skills
  • Matching
  • Number recognition
  • Patterns
  • Color recognition
  • How to win unselfishly
  • How to lose gracefully 
  • Taking turns
  • Following instructions
  • Sitting still
  • Patience
  • Good sportsmanship
Just to name a few! Provide opportunities for your kids to interact with people of all ages. If you don't have grandparents that are able to be involved in your lives, arrange for meetings to take place with other elderly couples from your church, or visit a nursing home. When in your life, aside from a public school classroom, are you ever in a room all day, with a group of peers your same exact age and grade level? Never! Teach your kids to confidently interact with kids and adults of all ages, and they will be well ahead of the game!

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