Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This is guaranteed to make you LAUGH!!!

Often I struggle with the mundane aspects of my life. Instead of having fun, I sometimes just focus on the part that is boring or an inconvenience. So today, when I was preparing Jude for a bath, and just thinking how nice it was that he hadn't peed on me lately. He did right then. By the time I realized what was happening, my jeans were wet, my tennis shoes were wet, the floor was wet, and my hand that I tried to use to block the steady stream was wet. So, I looked on my iPhone camera and here is what I found.
My kids are a joy, and I am blessed to spend time with them.  (Even if I do have to repeat that to myself more than once a day :) My kids are not in the way of what I need to do, they are what I need to do. Sometimes I need to refocus and realize what my real priorities are!