Monday, October 22, 2012

Messy Mondays

We all have struggles and short comings. Personality quirks, annoying habits, hangups and moments of hysteria. No one is perfect and yet, we are usually our biggest critic. I want to personally make sure that no one out there mistakenly thinks (even for a brief fleeting moment), that Julia and I are anywhere close to being perfect. Now, I realize that could come across slightly arrogant, simply because I must first be assuming there are people that really do think I have it all together! Arrogance aside, I just want to make sure we are doing our part to combat a very serious disorder that is targeting women across the country:
"Pinterest Delusion Disorder (PDD) - A serious disease in which moms start thinking they are failures for not (1) arranging their kids’ food in cool shapes for every meal, (2) not DIYing every piece of furniture and art in their homes, and (3) not spending hours designing homemade printables for their children."

We do put a lot of time in here, at All Things with Purpose, to provide you with cool ideas, helpful tips and of course, lots of free printables! But we DON'T have it all together, and we DO have moments of mess and mayhem. I'll be sharing these with you every Monday, so tune in each week for an ego boost!

Linked up here:


  1. Your words are very encouraging! And the PDD is so true! Never heard that before, lol. My bed always seems to look like that when I am doing laundry, lol. By the way, love your bedspread! Lol, where did you get it? :)

    1. Thank you for reading, and for the kind words! The bedspread is a duvet cover from IKEA:
      I'm glad someone still thinks it looks nice under a mountain of laundry :)
