Monday, October 29, 2012

Messy Mondays

Well, this thing is definitely going to take some getting used to. What I mean is the whole, "quick, get the camera and take a picture of my trashy house!" thing. It dawned on me a moment too late, after the latest kitchen disaster was cleaned up, that I should have caught it all on camera. This was no post dinner mess, mind you. It's been there for a couple days now. Yea, I've totally just been ignoring it, secretly wishing my 4 year old would get ambitious or my husband would swoop in and take care of things. In an effort to prove my worth as a housewife, I cleaned the kitchen tonight.

That leaves me now with this little piece of work:

Yes, there really is a dining room table under there. In my defense, this is an ongoing craft project... But really, there is no excuse. Go ahead, you can feel better about yourself now.

More about the mess, and my campaign to raise awarness of PDD: Pinterest Delusion Dissorder >> Messy Mondays

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