Monday, August 20, 2012


I looooved BOOK IT! as a child. The cool buttons, the stickers, the free pizza... and all you had to do was read some books?? Coming from a family that hardly ever ate out, getting that free personal pan pizza was pretty exciting stuff.

I am really glad to see Pizza Hut is still running this program. I haven't come across anyone that has been involved in it recently, so I will be interested to see what changes they have made over the years. I believe public school teachers are responsible to individually enroll their classrooms. Homeschool families enroll on an individual basis as well, as apposed to an entire homeschool group enrolling together. It's a free program to encourage your child's love for reading, click on the link below to enroll. Hurry, enrollment ends September 1st!!

BOOK IT! Homeschool Enrollment

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