Monday, July 23, 2012

Hubba-Hubba: A Modesty Story

Is anyone tired of hearing about modesty? No? OK then!

I have a short story to share for this installment of Modesty Monday. It's a true story, but the names have been changed to protect the innocent :)

"Sarah!" my friend Michelle exclaimed. "I am so excited to show you what I found on clearance at Target today! I got a ton of cute dresses that are all super modest!" Alright, I thought to myself, let's take a look here. Michelle held up the first dress. "That's really cute!" I said. "I know," Michelle began. "Here's the thing, I have so much to learn. I think my mom kind of gave up on me years ago, because she never really told me what it meant to dress modestly. I've had it wrong all this time. For example, I tried on a lot of dresses today. There were a few that I really, really liked. But when I came out of the dressing room, my boyfriend Mark was like 'hubba hubba' then he was like, 'you shouldn't wear that.' And it totally hit me for the first time; I shouldn't be wearing things that make him say 'hubba hubba!' "That's right" I laughed. "The only time you should be wearing something that makes a man say 'hubba hubba' is when he is your husband and you are alone together!"

Everything else you ever wanted to read on the topic of modesty: I <3 Modesty

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