Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Children's Chores Age 5 Cleaning the Bathroom

Whatever you do, do it heartily as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23

As I mentioned in an earlier post,  Children's Bathroom Chores for a 3 year old, chores involve encouraging work ethic and involving them as an activity, so they don't create a bigger mess while I am cleaning.

Natalie is five and learning to wipe the sinks in the bathroom. At this age, it is important to expect her to be able to actually clean the sink. 

Consistency is key. Providing her with an order to clean will (over time) help her be successful when you aren't around.

Supervision is very important. I can give her a specific step and then walk away, but I must inspect what I expect. 

1. Wipe the countertops 
2. Wipe the faucet
3. Wipe around the base of the faucet
4. Wipe around the rim of the sink
5. Wipe out the sink
6. Look to see what    you missed

Often I will tell them a step and then ask them to come find me when they are done.

Each time she cleans the sink I give her something to focus on. Usually, it is what she missed last time. For example, "Natalie when you wipe the sinks today, I'd like you to remember to wipe really well around the faucet." 

Teaching her to clean in a consistent way, and look for things she missed when she is finished.

Praise them with words and kisses!!!


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