Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Girl's Burned on Class Field Trip Because of Sunscreen Ban

This is amazing. Did you know that your children aren't allowed to have sunscreen without a Doctor's note in 49 states? California, apparently the only state with sun, is the only exception. Jesse Michener's daughters (11 and 9) went to school for a class field trip, and came home burnt to a crisp.

My kids are home schooled, so maybe this is something that everyone else already knew. I guess the lesson is, have your kids wear long sleeves, pants, and a rimmed hat the next time they go on a field trip.  

Today's Health Reported:
When Michener pressed school officials on the ban, they told her that there is a state-wide policy that does not allow staff to apply sunscreen to students, and students can only apply it themselves if they have a doctor’s note. The law exists because the additives in lotions and sunscreens can cause an allergic reaction in children, and sunscreens are regulated by the FDA as an over-the-counter drug. Michener discovered that the policy exists in 49 states nationwide; California is the only state to allow sunscreen in school without a doctor’s note. 

To hear Jesse's perspective you may visit her blog http://lifephotographed.com/2012/06/burn-babies-burn/

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