Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

The way to my man's heart...
I've never been that big on valentine's day, in fact, it has always ended up being a pretty crazy, strange, messed up kinda day at our house. Meaning, something always seems to go wrong on valentine's day! In fact, I just realized that it was 10 years ago today that my husband broke up with me. Yup, on valentine's day. Of course he eventually came back around and realized he needed me in his life, and we were married the following year! 

But it's always stuff like that. Maybe because of stuff like that, his philosophy has always been "why do I need valentine's day to do nice things for you and spend lots of money, instead of just doing stuff all year long?" I think many men hold to this view, but in fact, he really does do stuff all year long! I couldn't ask for more in a husband - he is the best, and he is mine! Woa, woa, no need to get defensive if you think your husband is the best, every woman should believe her husband is the best. Please don't take advice from the Kardashians, choose to love and cherish your man for better or for worse (even when the worse seems to out-way the better), stick with it and make him some bacon. Happy stinkin valentine's day. Love, Sarah <3

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