Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Momentous Occasion

Today started just like any other Sunday morning. I pulled something out of my closet to dress for church - only to discover, i have a waist! My youngest child is now 14 months old. I spent the first year of her life, exercising my brains out in preparation to run a half marathon. Needless to say, I ran the marathon but never lost a single pound. Just in the past 2 months I have finally lost 10 pounds, and I am so encouraged! There is hope! 
The moral of my story is: when you discover you have a waist for the first time in 5 years, put a belt around it! 

I hope to share some of my weight loss discoveries for new moms in future posts. 

I'm also excited to share my newest Value World find: This super cute yellow wool coat :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my that's adorable! And awesome on th e 10 pounds! :) that's what I'm trying to lose... It's hard!
